Monday, November 12, 2007

* Time for a new look

The following new address and blog design, is my feeble attempt to shake things up. Who would have thought that only a few years ago, we, regular folk, could be immortalized on the web for the whole world to see. Although blogs aren't everyone's 'bag', however for me it's a great outlet for my writing, musings and of course, photos. Read, enjoy,.......and if you have or know of a great blog site, send it my way, as I'm always looking for an interesting read.
I'll leave you with a few photos of my recent trip to N.C for my bi-annual transplant appt (which went very well) and our subsequent trip to Charleston. S.C which, "I do declare" is my absolute favorite southern town in all of these United States. Quiz time: Guess which important event happened in Charleston???