Friday, February 1, 2008

* Its time...isn't it?"

A 'few' of my loyal readers have asked me why I'm not posting lately. Well here's a list of the very complex reasons, why thats true. (in list of importance)
1. Its winter and life seems dull
2. Writers bloc
3. Its winter and life seems dule
4. My lower back hurts
5. Its winter and life seems dull.
It must be lovely, to live in an State/Country where snow is simply something one sees on TV commercials or movies. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just the pretty white stuff, but when it arrives with freezing temps, stuck stubbornly to your car windows and you find yourself runing from building to car/visa versa to stay out of it, it ceases to loose its appeal.
Driving in the stuff, is an altogether different story - especially with my bald front tires (hmm, perhaps that is the reason I've needed to be pulled out of the snow, 2x this season so far) My dad even had a little mishaep on his return from dropping off pianos in Chicago today. He and the trailer he was driving, ran off into a ditch b/c, - fortunately he wasn't hurt and the trailer was empty of pianos (can you imagine pianos lying on the side of a snowy road)
Fortunately January is behind us, the offical 'hump' of a Michigan winter is finally over. I'm looking forward to an active springs/summer in attempts to forget that this cycle will begin all over again in about November.
Recent activities since my last post..
1. Finally got to house-sit my friend George & Sheryl's 'Hottub Mansion', soaking in a private outdoor hottub till my littles toes pruned with happiness. (btw; the stain was the cat's fault)
2. Played tons of volleyball - my favorite sport
3. Experienced my first 'Cirque de soleil' preformance (thx again Neil!)
4. Celebrated the start of another new year - 2008 - in terrific health!
5. Found out I'll be taking a little trip to the Middle East next month...