Monday, May 26, 2008

* I've survived yet another MI winter

Finally, the long, cold Michigan winter spell has broken and the promise of sun/fun is before me. Today is a first of the year: 80 F. Praising God that my good health remains, and I'm still able to enjoy all the benefits of it. In two months, I'll be celebrating a big anniversary, so look for that write up in July.

It’s been my ‘new’ practice in recent yrs to take a short hiatus’ each summer. Currently, I’m looking for a sublet in Chicago, in hopes of fulfilling my long time dream to reside in a ‘Big, vibrant US city. No, Detroit doesn’t count) I’ve been ckg almost every day, but unfortunately, each search results in a painful sticker shock (Yes, its b/c I have the trendy Northern Chicago suburbs in mind) I’ve also cked the cities of San Diego, San Fransico, Boston but that just throws me into financial cardiac arrest!
I’ve still got a month left to locate that ‘perfect, furnished sublet’ – so if anyone out there has ‘connections’ they can call on to make my dream come true, let me know.

Farewell to friends: This last wkend, we had an especially sad themed party, ‘Farewell to the Elliott’s. They are just another of the many casualties of our ailing, jobless State – moving south to fill better paying jobs with more attractive surroundings. Its especially difficult when good friends move away, but the real tragedy is when those people are young, vibrant, and eagerly willing to be used in God’s service, kind of folk. I wish them well .....(tear)