Thursday, June 12, 2008

* Wedding of the year

Well, the 'Wedding of the Year' - Rick & Camille Rosekran's nuptials, have come and gone. The day passed with probably one of the worst thunder storms Michigan has seen in 2008, but not until AFTER the blessed event. It did seem, however, like the big event passed by rather quickly. Me thinks I shopped for my dress longer than I had it on, I'm sure the bride agrees.

My heart is both happy and sad at this blessed event. As most know, Rick has been my dearest friend and constant companion, for the last decade or so. After Margie died, we used each other's shoulders and from there, it turned into an endearing friendship. I feel like I've seen the world with him (its not easy finding a compatable travel companion) He was also instrumental in my recovery, as he graciously left his life in Michigan to become my caretaker and entertainer, as I recovered from transplant surgery in North Carolina. (I ask myself every now and then, how does one return such an act?) Many voices would raise up to confirm him to be a uniquely self-less, capable and humble being. I know that our friendship will now be changed, but I'm truly pleased to see him find such happiness.

I'm just beginning to know Camille, and even in this early stage, I can affirm that she is a sincere, God fearing women. She exhibits a genuine compassion for others and share's Ricks gift of helps. Her nature is gentle (did I mention she's a nurse), she's fun-loving and has a lovely spirit about her. I believe that they will make an exceptional couple and a most effective team for our Lord's work.
On the 8th of June, 170 of Rick and Camille's closest friends/family gathered at the grounds of the 'Farmington Hills Governor Warner to hear the vows exchanged. There were 6 bridesmaids dressed in Coral and 2 groomsman (yes, I'm aware the numbers don't add up evenly). The veiled bride walked down the carpet of grass to her red-faced, groom's side. Camille's sis/bro sang the 'Prayer'. Before the final vows, Camille sang a very powerful rendition of the 'Lords Prayer'. Fortunately, because of the sweltering heat, we were grateful that it was the shortest wwedding ceremony ever.

What I loved about the even was that it seemed like a reunion of sorts minus a few missing from the 'old gang', most were there. I wish I had thought of taking a group photo, but I was just as forgetful about that as I was about actually taking a photo of the bride and groom (duh) The photos you see here of them are from Rami and Jamie's cameras.

After a quick stop at Starbucks between events, we found ourselves caught in a nasty storm, which wasn't without its carnage. The reception was held in the SDA metro school gym, which was successfully disguised to look like a banquet hall. The transformation had everyone agasp! It was as if Oprah's own, Nate, had been there, adding his special decorator touch. The neatest aspect of the reception was the 'photo both' positioned in the corner, right behind the jazz band. Picture a shopping mall 50 cent photo booth, which spits out 4 photos of sexy looks, laughs and craziness. The line snaked around the piano and never let up. The photo takers took home one copy and the soon to be honeymooners, took an album home of the other set of photos. Brilliant! Of course, the wedding party was the last to leave, as conviction hit and they felt the need to 'clean' up the decorations and get the gym back to looking like, well, a gym again.

Now sit back and enjoy the photos..