Wednesday, July 16, 2008

* Chicago Living

Well, my dream of living in the windy city (albeit for the summer) has finally become reality.I'm here almost 3 weeks and have to add that Chicago is 'my kind of town'. My sublet is in the northern neighborhood of Lakeview/Lincoln Park. A residencial enclave of young professionals who seem to enjoy coffee shops, staying fit and owning a pooch - as they are everywhere. I'm located 3 miles north othe city and although only 5 blocks away from the beachpark, which graces Chicago east coastline. The beach is a mecca for athlete and the pursuit of fitness. - its truly where you want to be if you are single.Taking into account the huge 'people watching opportunities here, it seems I've been put in a most appropriate spot!

Unlike the Detroit area, Chicago has great public transportation (of course that's all a matter of perspective, as i hear plenty of pp grumblings about their system). In light of this and the fact that I would probably have to park my car in Wisconsin, I choose not to bring the gas gusler. Its a bit of a flashback from last yr in Poland, however, the grocery stores are a bit farther away. Its a laugh to see someone just returning from shopping and riding the bus with a 20+ pack of toilet paper on their lap. I've watched so many 'persons of interest' on the public transport that I feel like writing a novel about the my eyewitness accounts. Its where humanity comes to life. The other day, to my curiosity, one gentlemen seated across from me on the bus had a quarter impeded in both ears - (spare change holder I imagine). Another couple sat in front of me and I could literally see through the big earing holes they had in their ears....Yup, thats can't be painless. It a popourri of people and lways something new and unqiue.
Meeting people is easier than I imagined, here. Fortunately, Chicago is littered with single people which are usually more interested in meeting other 'single' people. I've been on several dates as well, which seems to be much more easier to find in the big city (ok people lets not be so shocked). I've been attending an SDA Polish church, way out in DesPlaines (one of the down falls of being carless is getting up about 1.5 hrs earlier on a Sat. morning to reach the church in time) Although I didn't know any of the people at this church, I felt at home, as soon as I arrived. Its always a blessing when one is far from the familiar ,to come across some individuals that take a more personal interest in you and in turn, become people that you can count on in case of need. I know there will be a time soon where the absense of my family and friends will be felt, and I'll need a helping hand. I'm grateful to have found that so early on.
I'll be here until the 17th of August (tear) so if you should want to come down and visit, simply give me a shout as I have a big enough place to accommodate. Cheers!