Saturday, August 2, 2008

* Big City is so ME.

Big city living seems to really suit me. The suburbs seems so sedate and boring to me (although I've always seen them in this light). I scramble to think how I'm going to manage re-entry into Michigan suburbia life after this experience. Quiet honestly its not like I've scanned every inch of Chicago and taken full advantage of my experience here, its just that there are so many options here and isn't that the key point - having options whether or not we will actually utilize them?
The fact that this vibrant city attracts me is probably due to my single status but I've always been a social creature and albeit the 'constant humanity' (which may wear some people out). it seems to invigorate me. Could it have to do with the fact that I came into this world with a human appendage - my twin sister, so having others around me has been a the natural desire.
Last weekend my Detroit peeps came to see their home girl. Camille/Rick/Rami came up for a visit to the big Chi. The the visit was all the more attractive to them as they had free accommodations:-) as hotels here in Chicago cost over $200 per night. I bought them all bus passes so they could experience Chicago as quasi-natives. Camille got a few singing gigs at two area Church's and we spent a relaxing & delicious Sabbath afternoon at Julie Kantor's home - she was part of the 'original metro group' from donkey yrs ago. What I like every more than big cities and long vacations is reunions with peeps from my past (catchy phrase eh). Someone to swap crazy 'remember when' stories with.
Of course, we couldn't skate by this weekend without taking a trip downtown to the famous "Magnificent Mile' to visit the cornucopia of shops catering to thick wallets. Its a mecca for tourists with its large franchises such as Macy's, Vic Secrets and of course the most attractive of them all ' the Cheesecake Factory' a perinnial favorite of this group. A swell time was had by all and then they were gone....but I was still in Chicago!