Wednesday, December 31, 2008

* Merry 2009!

In a few hours, we here in Michigan, USA will be ringing in the new year.
Yes, on a global scale its been quite an eventful and surprising year. For those invested, I hope that your 401K still offers a glimmer of hope to meet some of your retirement needs, if not, remember its just money....which comes and goes.
With the New Year, comes new beginnings (or at least the impression of them) and with this new 'start', I wish all my friends/family an optimistic 2009 outlook! From our own personal experiences, however, we know that this New Year will probably bear a lot of discouraging and gloomy moments, but also many blissful and delightful ones as well.
May God give you the strength to bear the times of sorrow that will cross your path and Always remember to thank Him for the many blessings you received, as those are countless.
Wishing you a memorable year filled with contentment and much laughter!!
P.S. It is my hope also that you and your family discuss organ donation and then make the decision to become a registered donor. Please take the extra step and sign up online. If you are in MI, click here