Wednesday, January 21, 2009

* New USA President. Mr. Obama

As most of the world has heard, we just inaugurated our 44th US president. I was returning from Chicago, on Tuesday, after having picked up my new Polish Passport from the Polish embassy there. Chicago is now considered to be Mr. Obama's city, so it was a thrill to be amongst many proud Chicagoans. The mood was very elated. Everyone seems excited at the new administration taking office, promising change. Oh, the weight this poor man must be people forget he is human and can only do so much. We have something called 'balance of power here in the States', which means he can make a decision but unless congress agrees, its more than likely not going to happen. In the end, time will tell if he was the 'savior' everyone hoping for. All I know, is that we can only fully depend on one being and that is God - if we do that we will NeVer be disappointed. Now for our national anthem, as sung by Josh Groban & Heather Headley