Tuesday, March 24, 2009

* Settling in

As I write today's blog, there's an onslaught of serious engine noise permeating my apartment. Its a good thing I hail from the 'Motorcity' otherwise that noise would seriously disrupt my afternoon nap. Its the start of Grand Prix weekend. I walked down there earlier to see what all the fuss was about but they won't let 'freeloaders' such as myself get within eye shot of the action. I'll just have to imagine...
I would love to take this space to talk about all the wondrous and scenic destinations I’ve visited as of late, but that wouldn't even be close to the truth. I seem to be quite content just living out my time here like a local – engaging in the ordinary things of life but for me, they occur in extra-ordinary surroundings. Fortunately, I've been to Melbourne heaps of times and attended 8th grade here, so the major sites have been conquered already. But since my travel speciality is Australia, my job prescribes that I see any recent changes and hotels properties...which I'm getting around to, albeit ever so slowly.
I must mention the dream I realized last wkend - riding Australia’s famous Great Ocean Road by motorcycle (rd similar to Hwy 1 in CA). My friend Mark and I, joined a group of riders to conquer the rugged coastline. Interspersed between the riding and the rain, the bikers chatted brazenly (the old boys club is revived) Lots of talk of motorcycles, cars, police, past experiences and of course there is the continual jesting that occurs between companions that share the same hobby. I got to listen in on a comical tales - such as the time one of the bikers was caught drunk driving in Cincinnati with his buddy. When the cop asked if they had been drinking they said ‘heck ya, we just left a convention where we’ve been drinking all afternoon’. Coming from, two good-natured aussie blokes, their accents disarmed the cops, instead of make them angry. They did the requested roadside acrobatics and after failing those, the Aussies were escorted, in a cop car, to their destination - to their surprise (and mine), instead of jail. During the escort, the Cops also gave a guided tour of the city. At the end of their private tour, the cops delivered them to their appointed destination - the‘Waffle House’. The aussie bikers, listening in on this story, tried to guess what this ‘Waffle House’ was, with one of them guessing it was a prostitution place. LOL.
The Hyabusa driver was continually trying to talk me into starting a new business of importing American cars to Australia as they can fetch a pretty penny. After a few minutes of trying to encourage my new career he says “if I could only put my brain in her head, she would get rich by the time she's 25". (Hmm, I believe that'll be next year, so I'd better get a move on)
My latest goal has been seeking out 'Salvo stores' (Salv. Army stores) to pursue my treasure hunt for quality used clothing and books. Suffice to say, I’ve got books stacked to the ceiling with narrow enough time to read all of them before I leave on the 4th of May.
My lovely cousin Gracie has seen fit to loan me her car during the week, which gets me efficiently to/from the suburbs (yes, I am capable of driving on the 'wrong' side of the road) . Despite the time saver, I'm reluctant to give up my transit pass and the hours of entertainment it provides. I always say, if you want to truly know the locals, just hop on a local train/bus - and there, right before your eyes, will be a living theater - a people watchers paradise. I've had many a chats with strangers at the transit stops - proving the Aussie's friendliness to me once more.
I've been fortunate to meet quiet a few Aussies, both indigenous and immigrant. That, more than anything, is why I travel (Of course being inclined to constant change is also a strong reason) I've been reacquainted with a few friends from my youth along with many new friends made. The other day, I was making my weekly breakfast dinner (scrambled eggs w/smoked salmon, fried garlic spinach, & grilled tomatoes) when I hear a very persistent knock on the door. So, as any Detroit born american, I grab a knife and opened the door (sans a peep hole). With the knife nicely hidden behind the door here stands my upstairs neighbor. With a fear in her eyes, she pleads with me to go upstairs to her apt and kill the spider thats in her dooraway(hmm, thats definitely a first) Before I say 'yes', I had to assure myself that its an ordinary spider, as Australia has 8 of the world's deadliest. She assures me its a daddy long legs - so I take a towel , find it, and gently wrap it up and let it out the front door - thus claiming the heroine of the year prize. G'day all.
(1st pic = my favorite meal, $2 sushi rolls (uncut) available in stands everywhere.3rd pic = missing the hood so had to capture this store sign on film =Detroit.)