Wednesday, May 20, 2009

* Melbourne in the rearview mirror (tear)

For those faithful few follows - my apologizes for keeping your waiting - I was suffering from writer's block. I must say, I'm so glad to have been blessed to ‘escape’ the fridget Michigan temps and snowbird in Melbourne (2009's 18th 'Best place to Live' city in the world) How fortunate I arrive in the summer and return back to Michigan for spring to begin.
Although my days in Melbourne were stressful (Daily Itinerary = rise 'n' shine, work a smidge, take tram to the coffee shop, people watch/use internet, search out another Salvation Army store to get my ‘cheap book’ fix, read, make dinner, go for a walk/run, watch a foreign flick, work even less than a smidge then take a long 8-hr nap. My Melbourne sightseeing was limited simply because 'I've seen it all before'. My main goal for this respite was to live like a local and enjoy the atmosphere of a Big city - pure and simple.
I did have the pleasure visiting Queensland (Australia's version of Florida, though much prettier) and visited with cousins Adam & Cheryl. They live in the shadow of the Glasshouse Mtns - meters from 'Steve Irwin's' zoo (did you know he's buried there but no one knows where, except the family) Aussies are clamoring to make this region their new home - as similar to Americans in recent years, they are chasing the sun. This time around though, Queensland's river beds were peaking, cows were a swimming and eveveryone was knee deep in water. Despite the rain, though I enjoyed spending time with the Pinkowskis and the Pratt family.
After a wet week, I returned to my beloved Melbourne to enjoy the last few weeks here. I spent them mainly revisiting all my favorite haunts and spots. The last weekend, I spent shuffling between delicious dinners and saying goodbye to friends/family, in turn, filling out my wrinkles with added Kilograms. (Of which I've spent the last few weeks in MI trying in futile despair to rid myself of those accumulated pounds)

The things I will miss most about Melbourne:
*Efficient, public transportation and living life without a car
*Original Mom & Pop cafe's which lined the various nearby streets
*The friendly and outgoing local aussies
*Their accents, which always make people sound so sophisticated
* The endless sunshine (take a note Michigan, when its not rainy, the sun should be shinning - this should be the law)
*Chatting up perfect strangers at every turn and them actually responding with conversation instead of being suspicious of my motives
* The safety I felt at all hours of the day or night. If someplace was deemed 'unsafe' by the aussie's locals themselves, I just reminded them & myself where I hail from (Detroit hood) and that 'I could take them' if need be
* Delicious, authentic Asian food (sushi, Vietnamese, Thai & Indian curry). With so many 1st generation immigrants, this city is blessed with fab Asian cuisine
and of course,
*My family and the care/concern they showered me with (big tear)....