Saturday, August 15, 2009

* Life is Grand

Dobry den! Miss me yet?? Well, I'll be honest, I haven't thought of home once (ok just now, you got me). Life is still grand - but than again, I'm on vacation in a nearly crimeless city loaded with delisc. deserts, historic views, trams (my favorite mode of transport) and heaps full of 'people' watching subjects. (down side, there's about 4 Starbucks littering this city)
This week has been rather busy - ful of social opportunities coupled with a few stressful client issues. (yes, remember I'm working here too!) On Sunday I spent a few hrs crossing cultures with some Tunesians, who work here. I met Hitchem (left in pic) on the train and so I visited with him, and several friends, which met us at varous locations (apparently those were our official 'translators). They had a very interesting take on this Czech culture (which they are not fond of) This country has been homogenious for so long, it doesn't take nicely to those that are of a different or darker skin than them. The Hitchem guy seemed to think that our mtg was a date and so he tried all evening to hold my hand. After a few hrs of this, I finally let the man hold it (hey, its only my hand and I'm confident he'll give it back) Well, a few days later, I get a phone call from him and he tells me, in his broken english, 'I think I'm falling in love with you'. Hmm and to think it takes many years of 'hand holding' to illicit such a response from an American man. That's it, I'm moving!
On Wed, I hosted my first couch surfer. Its this community of travelers, who tries to find available accommodations (hence the couch part) at someoone's home/apt - its hostelling with a personal touch. I've always wanted to host but you need to live in a place people actually want to visit (not da hood). My first surfer was Daniel, from Italy. A very pleasant, considerate guy, with heaps of energy. The first nite we hit a Czech diner then stayed up until 2am - he wanted to hang out until dawn but this broad needs her beauty sleep.I tried to be an attentive host, but the next night I told him to just go on w/o me and enjoy the city. I spent a bit of a restless night afterwords though, because he didn't return my texts during the night. Crap, I thought to self, "what if he was hurt/dead - I would have been the last to see him and I wouldn't know who the heck to contact to tell them he's hurt/dead'. Oh the responsibility! He was fine, but I hope this couch potato hosting thing won't elevate my nerves? (By the way, I'm aware that this has its risks but no need to alert me to that fact)
The other day, Rudy from France arrived - a lovely lad whose personable, cute, and can discuss a myriad of topics (did I mention he had a french accent? Swoon) It seems there is a bit of overlapping going on though, as my friend's 17 yr son, Sebastion, from Australia has also come to stay with me until Thurs - but honestly guys, who am I to turn away a guest. The three of us had a most insightful conversation this morning, discussing the cultural differences between the women in our respective countries. (it wasn't as long a conversation as you might expect~) We had an excellant 2 days together but now that Rudy is gone we're currently looking for another 3rd wheel to join us misfits. BTW: I've decided my next trip is to France (Oui)