Friday, December 4, 2009

* Does my life have a purpose?

Why is it that, many of us, during our lifetime,question our existence here on earth in the larger sense? No, nothing emotionally significant happened to me lately to elicit such thoughts, its just a reflection that ruminates in my mind, percolating at moments here and there. I’ve always felt, that because I was chosen to receive this life saving transplant, that there is something significant, something of greater importance I am to do or should be doing. Someone once said to me, after seeing the movie Beyond Borders,” I realized that I’m here on earth just sucking in air” (instead of being out there, doing something significant for mankind) Those words have always struck me as being so true in my own life.

I’m especially grateful to God for these healthy good years I’ve had since these new breathers were installed. To think of all the friends I have met, the new places I’ve seen, and the life experiences I’ve had which I wouldn’t otherwise have had. However, I’m always aware that this transplant came at the ultimate cost, someone’s life - a cost I don’t believe I deserve or have earned. So I draw the conclusion that God intended me to do something great after my transplant and but when I look back at all the 'extra' years afforded to me, I’m filled with guilt at how I’ve wasted them. And so I ask, ‘Could the only way to make oneself worthy of such a gift be to commit oneself to live a noble life or does it mean that I should volunteer their time/life, as some have encouraged me, toward a nobler cause?" And so I continue percolating this thought….

Now, on a lighter side it seems that the Thanksgiving day holidays have come and gone.I spent this T-day at the Bashford’s home with fellow friends - eating, chatting and WII playing. For those non-Americans, our T-day holidays is when the nation gathers around tables everywhere bursting with high caloric provisions – with the center piece being a turkey. The holiday falls on a Thurs. but most get a long weekend out of it - to recover. Another unique aspect of the T-day holiday is the Friday afterward, the nation collective, wakes up at the crack of dawn (usually 600am) and rushes the stores so as to find the best possible price on a remote control (or so it seems). Yes, I dare say, a strange holiday indeed.