Saturday, October 17, 2009

* The Wanderlust continues..

Why is it that one says 'they'll get to it tomorrow' , but that day never actually arrives?? The laziness that blankets this part of the map has gotten a strong grip on me and outside of the lamenting and repetitive statements as to how 'crap' the weather is/will be, there is little else to entertain the average Joe.
I should add tho that life hasn't been completely void of 'exciting' moments' since my return from the EU (did I mention I hold an EU Polish passport now and can work in any of the EU countries - I'm so cool). A few days after I returned, I, along with 4 friends (Rick, Camille, Diana, Andy), hit the road again. After driving a joyous 14 hrs from the big D to New Hampshire, I would finally get a chance to see the historic 'New England' coast - home to some of the loveliest cities/villages in the US, settled by our countries forefathers. This has been a 'vacation dream' of mine for a few yrs now. Cities we visited were: Portsmouth, New Hampshire - Kennebunkport & Portland, Maine - Rockport & Salem & Boston & Cape Cod, and my favorite Newport, Rhode Island (where the gilded era rich used to summer)
Fortunately, there weren't any head strong travelers on this trip (yeah rite your thinking) so we all got along quite well - surprise, surprise. One aspect was unique though - everyone except me had one of those 'Internet immediate accessible devices' so instead of road trip time being taken up by conversation and storytelling, it was replaced by websurfing and facebook status updating. I was feeling a bit left out...(note to self, invest in an Iphone)
I have to add that I absolutely LOVE road trips, its just a cryin' shame that most of my peers get a rash when I mention that notion. Gone are the days when hitting the road and shacking up with 4 - 6 people in one room was the norm, so as to save on costs. Now that my peers are making a decent living, it seems that sacrificing comfort is not on the menu any longer. Tear....
After a few weeks of standing still, I again find myself among not so familiar surroundings (house sitting in Evanston, Il ( for 3 weeks) - a favorite destination for me. My clients left for vacation and I'm filling in as 'cat caretaker' yet again. As with anywhere else, as long as I have an Internet connection, I can make Evanston, Ill my temporary homeoffice. It seems the more time I spend here, getting familiar with these parts and increasing the number of people I know here, the more the question of moving here comes up in my mind - but another nagging question overshadows it, that asks," what would I do for health insurance" - which is tied to my state of Michigan. For right now, though, I'm enjoying as much of this city as the weather allows - which isn't too much but enough not to miss Detroit.