Saturday, March 6, 2010

* Life is short...

With the advent of blogging, we become voyeurs in another life without having to be a part of it - something I find fascinating in this time's culture. You'll find those, struggling with an illness (past/present) or 'some issue', seem to be more proliferate at it. Because of my special circumstances, I tend to seek out bloggers who basically have or are about to have a transplant, intrigued by their experience and in turn hoping to learn from them as well.
That being said, there is one blog I follow of a gal named 'Eva'. She appears to be a very popular blogger, with followers spanning the globe. She's from Vancouver and has Cystic Fibrosis. She had a double lung transplant (tx) 2 yrs ago, but unfortunately (as tends to be the case in about 60% of lung tx patients), she is in chronic rejection. There is no cure for chronic rejection (only acute rejection, which I've had 3x) The only option is to live long enough to have a 2nd transplant.
Her poetic and lyrical writing has moved me and I find myself hopeful for her transplant to come soon. With a brave heart, she filmed this short video, surrounded by her family - a 'farewell to the world' if you will as she's been told she has only a short time left. I wanted to share it with you because its just so incredibly moving - such rawness that is rarely seen. I include this not in an effort to garnish pity but in an effort to make you realize how quick and fleeting life is. Yes, for some there is an defined ending attributed to an illness, but for others, who are in good health and don't see 'death' as being immediate, we can take this time and those around us for granted because we believe we have much of it left.
My ultimate hope is that you take the time to reflect on your own life. As much as we want to believe that illness/ sudden death/ etc will 'never happen to us' - we only have to look around to see that its a good probability that it may. If this was your last day on earth - would you be proud of the way you lived your life??