Saturday, June 19, 2010

* Back in the Big City

Alas, she's alive and kicking! I know what writer's feel like when they get 'writers block'. I've always tried to be a women of action, so writing about activities is more my style than is writing about any other aspect of my life. For so much of the year though nothing changes, so in response I think that if I'm going to take up someone's time with this blog, perhaps I should have something note worthy to write about.. ..alas I think that time has come.
As spring approached earlier this yr, my mind quickly darted to 'summer vacation planning' mode. For the last 5 yrs I haven't spent one summer in Michigan and this yr would be no different - as long as I have the will and the health to do so (which I do). I considered a summer rental in Paris or Rome but with the high cost of living there it would mean my place of residence would be a virtual shoe box.....instead I opted to return to a nearby favorite - Chicago. I couldn't be happier with my decision. I landed a terrific apartment with a breaktaking 15th floor view of Lake Michigan in the Lakeview area of Chi town. It also includes a parking spot - which is unheard of in Chicago! Each day I take in the wondrous lakeview out on my balcony (and try not to scare myself at the apt's height) . There is something so cathartic at looking out onto the water....more so than mountains or sunsets.
My parents came to visit the very next day I arrived. My mum is quite frankly the "wonder women" of house cleaning - more industrious than 10 merry maids on crack. Within a few short hrs, my apt was now considered 'livable' to her high standards. Although my folks are suburbanites, they really enjoyed their time here and could understand my desire to spend the summer in this city.
As always, I especially enjoy having a place I can share with others. That's probably one of the highlights of having an apt in an exciting destination. I was especially involved in couchsurfing last year in Prague so we'll see how that goes this year.
My 2nd week here afforded me the opportunity to host my friend Rudy from France (which I met last yr in Prague) and his travel buddy Xavier for a few days. Their adventure plan is to see as much of the US as possible in the 2.5 months they're here and so far I believe they've experience more of it than I have ever. I took them to a what I could consider a 'special treat' - a Stanley cup parade. Chicago became the Stanley cup hockey champions of 2010 so in celebration the city hosted a parade in their honor. Honestly, I've never seen so many white people in one place though. It was a real treat to have the Frenches here as they are great guys (did I mention they have french accents. swoon) and to be able to show them around this great city.
Just an update, the gal I wrote about in my previous email, Eva, died a few weeks after that video was published. Because of the organ shortage, she didn't survive long enough to find a match. Remember: Sign up and be an Organ Donor!