Friday, September 17, 2010

* Cheap postcard from Vienna

Greetings from the city voted `Best place to live´ - 2nd yr running. Vienna is wanna-be architects and photographers dream..similiar in style to Prague or even Budapest but every inch of this place is clean and rehabed to its original splendor. I even witnessed them cleaning things that were already clean. Historically, its the seat of the Habsburg Dynasty with some pretty impressive Palaces and structures to prove it. From its blood line was born Maria Antoionette.

I studied German in college so I was able, at one pt, to even ask/receive directions in Deutsche the other day...even tho its been many yrs since I opened a German textbook. Oh course that always excites me at first until people start talking faster and using bigger words, then my eyes glaze over and I can only nod and utter the words, Ja oder Nein.

Im couchsurfing for the 2nd time here in Wien.. Couldn't have landed a more agreeable and kinder host. He shared with me the inside scoop on the city...the where and hows,,,, gave me access to his computer, handed me the keys to his apt and hasn't been back in two days now. I even have my own bedroom along with two friendly cats, which is a rarity in the couchsurfing world.

Unfortunately, like many of the masses I know, that have Iphones or Droids, I am not able currently, to post any of the photos I took with me camera, so alas I will have to wait to post those when I return on the 20th. Tear...

If any of my Fb peeps have been to Vienna, perhaps you can email me suggestions on what to see or do besides the obvious museums and palaces. ....