Saturday, October 16, 2010

* Happy Thxgiving.

I can't fully believe I've been here in Chicago now for 5 months.....golly gee..., why must time travel at lightening speed - thankfully we were all given memories to savor. (don't you find it interesting that no one under 30 ever refers to 'time flying')? With the recent time change, I feel cheated, as the sun sets here 45 min. sooner than in Detroit. It could be worse though, I could be the one of the mass of casualties that wakes up in the dark and returns home from work in the dark.....never to enjoy the sun except on weekends.
I have committed to staying on in Chicago for the winter (or until I run out of money, as I tell people), in an attempt to build some sort of life here. I will add that the Windy city is more expensive than Michigan. Gas is 30 - 40 cents more per gallon but fortunately everything I need is only a few miles from me, so walking or busing is my mode of transport. I'll wait to see if that still applies when the snow comes :-)
Chicago, albeit crowded and congested at times, is so full of opportunity and options... Even if I don't make use of any of them, at least I have the option to do so and for me, that is the joy of living in the concret jungle.
A few wks back I had the opportunity to road trip to ObamaCountry - Washginton DC, along with the lovely Golubic's. We had a chance to meet up up with dear friends (ex-Michiganders), Kristie n Jason Elliot, who left our great state for greener work pastures. (tear) It just so happened that the 'Rally to Restore Sanity' was in full swing the same weekend, so we also had a chance to experience the sanity process hosted by 'John Stewart'. Though it was a rally for both sides, it was definitely the scene of some real crazy-ness. I've never attended a DC rally, so perhaps what we witnessed was actually normal?

Ode' to the Thxgiving day:
Top 5 things I'm thankful for:
1. A God that loves me and still puts up with me, despite myself.
2. Living in Chicago
3. Friends/Family I can count on
4. My donor's choice to be a donor
5. The ability to still travel and experience new scenery/people.