Saturday, April 2, 2011

* Time for Spring has sprung

Yes, yes I realize I was 'MIA' for some time, but from my Fb postings, most know that I haven't left this earth. I was simply waiting to have a few more life experiences under my belt before I share them.
Spring is 'officially' sprung here in the USA and has descended on the big city. Its truly a fabulous time to be here for that. Now with each visit to Michigan
(I go there monthly, for a week/more now) I actually anticipate returning back to Chicago - as its starting to feel like home. I never tire of that first glimpse of the city, east of South Shore Drive - unfolding like a exquisite painting. I'm dreading the day when my sublet owner has to return from living abroad and requests his apartment back......
I put together my first 'group social' (photos)- here a few weeks back with people from my Lakeview Church. This is something I used to do fairly often in Michigan....
(until the Great demise hit the State and everyone started to abandon Michigan as if it were the Titanic) so its a joy to put this skill back into practice. There are many people that come to Chicago alone...having no family or friends - so as a result we are all looking for a friend base to call our family and what better group to do that with than the local church group. Although the primary reason for this particular meetup was a 'send-off' for Sumith (an MD student relocating to VA), it was a terrific opportunity to socialize and get to know one another better.
I had the opportunity to attend a 'Speed-Dating' session recently
(why do people think I am 'brave' for doing this?)- something I always wanted to try after seeing it in the movie 'Hitch'. I went with a friend, Alicia, as my 'wing woman'. Surprisingly they sat us right next to one another, so during the breaks, we would 'review' the matches that just came through (interspersed with hushed giggling). She said it was like 'interviewing' her father. The age range was too wide with many men being in their 50's. I'm certain they would have been excellent prospects for some, just not for me. (says the cougar in training). It was exhausting attempting to summarize myself & personality within a 5-min time frame but worth the experience. I thought I would include some of the questions that were put to me by the bachelors. Bachelor #3: "So which SITC character are you (seriously. that was his 1st question). Bachelor #5: "I find Chicago women are way too bossy for me, from anywhere else, like the suburbs they are fine (never married, 55yr old).. Bachelor #8: " I won't be having any more kids (snip snip) as I found out after my 3rd kid, that I was simply too fertile". (really,... a fertile guy, how odd)
Also in the Lizym news....last week I received my first visitors of the Spring season. During the winter, you couldn't pay people to come visit me (even if it was in Cheesecake Factory currency) - because Chicago winters are considered the worse in the US - as voted by
Conde Naste readers. Justin/Kim spent almost a week here for Justin's spring break (Justin is my absolutely favorite teenager). On Saturday, Julie Kantor (remember her during that one endless summer in '97) visited us with her son Evan. It was especially joyful to witness Kim & Julie reunite after more than 10+ yrs. Having said that, I'm always grateful for sites such as 'Facebook' which keep us in direct contact with another - even if we aren't able to physically visit with them. It's now near impossible to simply 'loose touch' with someone as I've done so many times in years past.
So as I close, I just wanted to extend an invite to those looking to visit Chicago this spring/summer.
Remember you are ALWAYS welcome to stay at my place. My 1-bedroom, though not big, offers a terrific location & view, close to the city sights. If you are just passing through - make sure to call/email/text so that we can meet and share the sights of the big city.
My digits: 313-515-71

Finally, here's a video of my Chicago abode - courtesy of Youtube.