Saturday, July 2, 2011

* Big City welcomes Summer

Welcome to the summer of 2011 all my American readers. I hope that you, like I, are looking forward to a glorious couple months of bright days, laughs and few enjoyable events all embraced by the warm days and evenings.

My Life in the Big City recently experienced a milestone.... On June 01st, I celebrated my 1 yr anniversary. I can kvetch how quickly the yr has elapsed but instead I'll just say, 'I can't believe I made it this long'!. I honestly thought that I wouldn't be able to live alone. I always preferred to share the same abode with someone else for company and also for security (what if I were to fall and I couldn't get up or got violently ill- who would assist me?) I spent almost all my life sharing my living quarters with someone else so it was a revelation that I actually enjoyed being by myself (and didn't experience any falls or illnesses:-) In the future, I would strongly consider a roomate...but now, the location, the amenities included and the fabulous view, this place has become my sanctuary in a way. It will probably be one of the 'coolest' places I've rested my head so I'm so grateful to God for blessing me with this unique Chicago apartment.

I told myself that I would give it 'a year' and then decide as to whether or not I would say on in Chicago.,,,whether after a year, I would feel like this is home or could become home. Well the decision has been made...I will be staying on until I'm either called back to Michigan, I run out of money or I move elsewhere (perhaps I'll follow the herd and head south). Fortunately meeting people has been much easier then anticipated and I found a terrific church I enjoy being a part of, so the only other thing missing in this scenario is a man .....:-)

I recently returned from my summer vacation - an 8-day road trip to New England (my favorite area of the USA). My friend Andrew, from Australia, flew in to join me on the trip. Our itinerary included the following destinations..NW Massachusetts, Mohawk trail drive: Boston: Providence, Rhode Island: Newport Rhode Island: Coastal drive through Connecticut: Sleepy Hollow - NY Hudson River Valley area. There is something about road-trips...., the constant moving and constant change of scenery which makes for an excellent and most memorable vacation experience. If you asked me to travel to a Caribbean Island (for example) and spend my entire vacation on the beach...I would go postal. I would rather dip myself in honey and place my body on a ant hill than take that type of sedentary (read:boring) vacation. Instead, I enjoy exploring and discovering, which is why I relish road-trips or any type of trips which offers new and varied experiences. On the last day of our trip we drove through the village of Sleepy Hollow made famous by book/movie 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow'. At the cemetery we were looking for the infamous grave, until the caretaker reminded us that "it was only a story and there is no grave". Hmpft!
Thought I'd leave you with a unique photo taken from my balcony one morning (4:30am) last week.