Saturday, September 3, 2011

* Summer 2011 in the city comes to an end

The official end of summer is upon us and I have yet to fully accomplish my 2011 'Summer bucket list of activities'. Labor Day marked the official end of summer time activities here in the cities. How terribly depressing that is to say. Perhaps I was too lazy, perhaps I thought this day wouldn't arrive so fast as it did or perhaps I spent too many hours on the road to/from 'list' will have to wait until next year - if I am fortunate enough to have another summer in the Chicago city. I did however get to experience my favorite weekend here which was the annual 'Air and Water Show' and this year the Thunderbirds preformed (Air Force branch of flyers) which is the absolute highlight of the year for me
On July 28th, I celebrated my "13th Lungversary" which is a huge number - one that I still can't quite comprehend. When I actually had my transplant I never considered how long this transplant would actually last but I definitely didn't plan to have them this long. Although transplant survival number are continually increasing its still hard to phantom that I've been walking around, inhaling with someone else's breathers. Amazing - no other way to view it. I had and still do not have any fear of my own death, since I've been been planning for it for most of my life (when we were born we were told that our survival was till 12yrs most). It's simply not a thought that shocks me into pity as I'm always prepared for it and when it does happen, I will accept it. Regardless of the above thought, however, I am grateful beyond human utterances to my donor's decision to give a perfect stranger, another chance at life and always remember the family that mourns this loss.
Life here in Chi town for the summer was magical - I think if this city had LA weather all year around - it would be a dwellers paradise (and thus far too expensive for me to live in). Although the tradition for me has always been to travel to Europe during September or Summer - I choose to forfeit that experience and instead, save the trip until May 2012. For that trip, I hope to also visit Russia, Ukraine, and perhaps a few other, never before seen destinations of choice. I'm certain that by now the pattern seems obvious - Liz always travels to the former Eastern European countries in the summer (and every now n then to Australia) and although that's true, that's also where I have the most familiarity and where I find myself most wanting to travel to - I've seen a lot of Western Europe, but there's still so much to discover in these former bloc countries - much of it I still haven't seen.
The other week I had 2 couch-surfers from Siberia, Russia. To think that they live in less than ideal, cold conditions most of the year is shocking (that explains why they had no problem sleeping with the balcony open on a colder fall night) . Of course my father was excited to hear that that I was finally hosting some Russian couchsurfers as he and his family were sent to Siberia (Novosibirsk) for 6 long years during the war, so he speaks Russian fluently. I will admit that next to French, it's my favorite sounding language.
Speaking of couch-surfers, I also had a guy from Afghanistan stay with me for a few days. He kept me entertained with some rather crazy stories - such as the one where everyone thinks he's a spy. I guess that could be the case, but if true, then I don't think he put much effort into the spy business while he was here as his goals seem to be to meet as many people as possible, kiss a few ladies in between and swear up a storm, in English :-)
Thankfully work is going much better for me this year. It seems that all these last few years of people doing 'stay-cations' it has created a lot of pent up demand. People are getting out there and traveling again, and for that I'm grateful as Chicago is much more expensive than the Detroit hood. (though I did have to borrow money for rent this month, but I heard it's a chronic problem for people everywhere - unfortunately when one works for themselves, the pay isn't steady ). I do find it humerus when friends ask me 'if I'm still in the travel business' if that was simply a passing hobby I was involved in. Yes, I am still in the 'travel business' and hope to be for years to come as I really enjoy my work. I recently had my website re-vamped, so check it out here. (it doesn't look the best on an Ipad though)
By the way, Congrats on our new (or soon to be) baby mamas - Shelly, Kristie, Camille & Iris!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

* Big City welcomes Summer

Welcome to the summer of 2011 all my American readers. I hope that you, like I, are looking forward to a glorious couple months of bright days, laughs and few enjoyable events all embraced by the warm days and evenings.

My Life in the Big City recently experienced a milestone.... On June 01st, I celebrated my 1 yr anniversary. I can kvetch how quickly the yr has elapsed but instead I'll just say, 'I can't believe I made it this long'!. I honestly thought that I wouldn't be able to live alone. I always preferred to share the same abode with someone else for company and also for security (what if I were to fall and I couldn't get up or got violently ill- who would assist me?) I spent almost all my life sharing my living quarters with someone else so it was a revelation that I actually enjoyed being by myself (and didn't experience any falls or illnesses:-) In the future, I would strongly consider a roomate...but now, the location, the amenities included and the fabulous view, this place has become my sanctuary in a way. It will probably be one of the 'coolest' places I've rested my head so I'm so grateful to God for blessing me with this unique Chicago apartment.

I told myself that I would give it 'a year' and then decide as to whether or not I would say on in Chicago.,,,whether after a year, I would feel like this is home or could become home. Well the decision has been made...I will be staying on until I'm either called back to Michigan, I run out of money or I move elsewhere (perhaps I'll follow the herd and head south). Fortunately meeting people has been much easier then anticipated and I found a terrific church I enjoy being a part of, so the only other thing missing in this scenario is a man .....:-)

I recently returned from my summer vacation - an 8-day road trip to New England (my favorite area of the USA). My friend Andrew, from Australia, flew in to join me on the trip. Our itinerary included the following destinations..NW Massachusetts, Mohawk trail drive: Boston: Providence, Rhode Island: Newport Rhode Island: Coastal drive through Connecticut: Sleepy Hollow - NY Hudson River Valley area. There is something about road-trips...., the constant moving and constant change of scenery which makes for an excellent and most memorable vacation experience. If you asked me to travel to a Caribbean Island (for example) and spend my entire vacation on the beach...I would go postal. I would rather dip myself in honey and place my body on a ant hill than take that type of sedentary (read:boring) vacation. Instead, I enjoy exploring and discovering, which is why I relish road-trips or any type of trips which offers new and varied experiences. On the last day of our trip we drove through the village of Sleepy Hollow made famous by book/movie 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow'. At the cemetery we were looking for the infamous grave, until the caretaker reminded us that "it was only a story and there is no grave". Hmpft!
Thought I'd leave you with a unique photo taken from my balcony one morning (4:30am) last week.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

* Time for Spring has sprung

Yes, yes I realize I was 'MIA' for some time, but from my Fb postings, most know that I haven't left this earth. I was simply waiting to have a few more life experiences under my belt before I share them.
Spring is 'officially' sprung here in the USA and has descended on the big city. Its truly a fabulous time to be here for that. Now with each visit to Michigan
(I go there monthly, for a week/more now) I actually anticipate returning back to Chicago - as its starting to feel like home. I never tire of that first glimpse of the city, east of South Shore Drive - unfolding like a exquisite painting. I'm dreading the day when my sublet owner has to return from living abroad and requests his apartment back......
I put together my first 'group social' (photos)- here a few weeks back with people from my Lakeview Church. This is something I used to do fairly often in Michigan....
(until the Great demise hit the State and everyone started to abandon Michigan as if it were the Titanic) so its a joy to put this skill back into practice. There are many people that come to Chicago alone...having no family or friends - so as a result we are all looking for a friend base to call our family and what better group to do that with than the local church group. Although the primary reason for this particular meetup was a 'send-off' for Sumith (an MD student relocating to VA), it was a terrific opportunity to socialize and get to know one another better.
I had the opportunity to attend a 'Speed-Dating' session recently
(why do people think I am 'brave' for doing this?)- something I always wanted to try after seeing it in the movie 'Hitch'. I went with a friend, Alicia, as my 'wing woman'. Surprisingly they sat us right next to one another, so during the breaks, we would 'review' the matches that just came through (interspersed with hushed giggling). She said it was like 'interviewing' her father. The age range was too wide with many men being in their 50's. I'm certain they would have been excellent prospects for some, just not for me. (says the cougar in training). It was exhausting attempting to summarize myself & personality within a 5-min time frame but worth the experience. I thought I would include some of the questions that were put to me by the bachelors. Bachelor #3: "So which SITC character are you (seriously. that was his 1st question). Bachelor #5: "I find Chicago women are way too bossy for me, from anywhere else, like the suburbs they are fine (never married, 55yr old).. Bachelor #8: " I won't be having any more kids (snip snip) as I found out after my 3rd kid, that I was simply too fertile". (really,... a fertile guy, how odd)
Also in the Lizym news....last week I received my first visitors of the Spring season. During the winter, you couldn't pay people to come visit me (even if it was in Cheesecake Factory currency) - because Chicago winters are considered the worse in the US - as voted by
Conde Naste readers. Justin/Kim spent almost a week here for Justin's spring break (Justin is my absolutely favorite teenager). On Saturday, Julie Kantor (remember her during that one endless summer in '97) visited us with her son Evan. It was especially joyful to witness Kim & Julie reunite after more than 10+ yrs. Having said that, I'm always grateful for sites such as 'Facebook' which keep us in direct contact with another - even if we aren't able to physically visit with them. It's now near impossible to simply 'loose touch' with someone as I've done so many times in years past.
So as I close, I just wanted to extend an invite to those looking to visit Chicago this spring/summer.
Remember you are ALWAYS welcome to stay at my place. My 1-bedroom, though not big, offers a terrific location & view, close to the city sights. If you are just passing through - make sure to call/email/text so that we can meet and share the sights of the big city.
My digits: 313-515-71

Finally, here's a video of my Chicago abode - courtesy of Youtube.

Friday, February 11, 2011

* Suriving Chicago

Greetings from bitter cold Chicago – home of snowed in cars, impassible streets and the bundled masses. It was actually a treat to watch the Blizzard from my 15th floor apt. last week – of course, I was home bound for 2 days, but had all my necessities, (warm apt, internet connection, full fridge & Red Box) so I was set for the long haul.
Of course, Chicago had to make news with its 700+ abandoned snowed in cars on Lake Shore Drive in (which fronts Lake Michigan and is prone to more wind/snow) after an accident left the drivers in dire straights unable to get past the accident ahead. The snow was coming down so fast, that it basically snowed those cars in after the accident was cleared. People eventually just got out of their cars and caught a nearby bus or train home. Now you couldn’t do that in Detroit unless you have a lifetime to wait for a bus.
Sooo driving around after the 20 inches of snow is quite the obstacle course. There are literally cars still buried that no one has seen for days. Everyone whose car is parked on the street, needs to have a spare shovel in their boot. After they have cleared their car, they replace the empty space with a chair, walker, something to save it for future use (only in Chicago:-) I’m just SOOO very grateful I have a garage for my car - it makes my laziness easier to manage.
Life has been getting more interesting here in Chi-town (the city’s lust wears thin when its winter here). I realized the older one gets, the tougher it is to make friends in a new town – simply because people my age are busy with work/young kids/driving kids/husband/home/etc and they have less time for a social life. It doesn’t help that I work from home, by myself. So finding a place where one ‘fits- in’, does take some time & investment. In overcoming this challenge, I try to be more forward and initiate more often than I normally would – fortunately, as you all know, I’m not shy so that does help matters. To get out there and mingle, I try to attend gathering - which there is heaps of here. The other week I attended a 'Vegan' gathering and last week I attended a Chicago organ donor organization mtg and signed on as a volunteer - places that introduced me to some new faces.
I’ve always found it important to get a good ‘church friend base’ here as that is where I usually go to get encouragement.
Fortunately, a lovely couple, who moved here from Michigan, (there’s are heaps of Michiganders here) started a Friday evening vespers at their home which includes a delicopis home cooked Indian meal, almost weekly. We have a good small group that mainly hails from one of the SDA churches I attend – LakeView SDA. The other church I attend is the Polish SDA church. Their members have kindly and most graciously reached out to me and each time I attend, I’m invited to a Polish potluck, which not only provides needed sustenance but allows me opportunity to practice my Polish – bad grammar and all. It's most frustrating though as I feel like I can’t fully express my personality in Polish. I feel like a 5yr old talking. So few of them speak English, so the onus is on me to be understood. Fortunately there are heaps of opportunities to learn Polish in this city as everyone knows Chicago was colonized by the Poles so it's everywhere – grocery stores, radio, church etc. Its up to me, though, to put the effort in and actually better my Polish (I never learnt to read & write so I didn't learn proper grammar)
As I find it necessary to include photos in every blog I post (to break up the type), here's a few. #1: Kim, Bridget & I at ‘ladies night out to the theater’ to see ‘Mary Poppins’ (yes, thats right, Mary Poppins), back in December. #2: long anticipated high school reunion with 2 of my favorite girls from high school – Arlene & Robbie And finally, Pele, my ward for a week in December. He's a blind snoodle (poodle n Schnauzer mix). My dog sitting him was my attempt to showcase to the world that I CAN keep a breathing being alive for a week (or even more) .

Saturday, October 16, 2010

* Happy Thxgiving.

I can't fully believe I've been here in Chicago now for 5 months.....golly gee..., why must time travel at lightening speed - thankfully we were all given memories to savor. (don't you find it interesting that no one under 30 ever refers to 'time flying')? With the recent time change, I feel cheated, as the sun sets here 45 min. sooner than in Detroit. It could be worse though, I could be the one of the mass of casualties that wakes up in the dark and returns home from work in the dark.....never to enjoy the sun except on weekends.
I have committed to staying on in Chicago for the winter (or until I run out of money, as I tell people), in an attempt to build some sort of life here. I will add that the Windy city is more expensive than Michigan. Gas is 30 - 40 cents more per gallon but fortunately everything I need is only a few miles from me, so walking or busing is my mode of transport. I'll wait to see if that still applies when the snow comes :-)
Chicago, albeit crowded and congested at times, is so full of opportunity and options... Even if I don't make use of any of them, at least I have the option to do so and for me, that is the joy of living in the concret jungle.
A few wks back I had the opportunity to road trip to ObamaCountry - Washginton DC, along with the lovely Golubic's. We had a chance to meet up up with dear friends (ex-Michiganders), Kristie n Jason Elliot, who left our great state for greener work pastures. (tear) It just so happened that the 'Rally to Restore Sanity' was in full swing the same weekend, so we also had a chance to experience the sanity process hosted by 'John Stewart'. Though it was a rally for both sides, it was definitely the scene of some real crazy-ness. I've never attended a DC rally, so perhaps what we witnessed was actually normal?

Ode' to the Thxgiving day:
Top 5 things I'm thankful for:
1. A God that loves me and still puts up with me, despite myself.
2. Living in Chicago
3. Friends/Family I can count on
4. My donor's choice to be a donor
5. The ability to still travel and experience new scenery/people.

Friday, September 17, 2010

* Cheap postcard from Vienna

Greetings from the city voted `Best place to live´ - 2nd yr running. Vienna is wanna-be architects and photographers dream..similiar in style to Prague or even Budapest but every inch of this place is clean and rehabed to its original splendor. I even witnessed them cleaning things that were already clean. Historically, its the seat of the Habsburg Dynasty with some pretty impressive Palaces and structures to prove it. From its blood line was born Maria Antoionette.

I studied German in college so I was able, at one pt, to even ask/receive directions in Deutsche the other day...even tho its been many yrs since I opened a German textbook. Oh course that always excites me at first until people start talking faster and using bigger words, then my eyes glaze over and I can only nod and utter the words, Ja oder Nein.

Im couchsurfing for the 2nd time here in Wien.. Couldn't have landed a more agreeable and kinder host. He shared with me the inside scoop on the city...the where and hows,,,, gave me access to his computer, handed me the keys to his apt and hasn't been back in two days now. I even have my own bedroom along with two friendly cats, which is a rarity in the couchsurfing world.

Unfortunately, like many of the masses I know, that have Iphones or Droids, I am not able currently, to post any of the photos I took with me camera, so alas I will have to wait to post those when I return on the 20th. Tear...

If any of my Fb peeps have been to Vienna, perhaps you can email me suggestions on what to see or do besides the obvious museums and palaces. ....

Sunday, August 22, 2010

* Summer fun in the Chicago

There is something so therapeutic at looking onto water,... more so than mountains, rivers or other picturesque landscapes. I wonder why that is. Each day I go onto my little balcony, overlooking Lake Michigan, and simply thank God for the opportunity to experience this place. Its probably the loveliest apt I have ever rented (2nd only to my Northville place)
This apt seems to evoke a kind of 'resort' feel to it as its right across the road to a lovely, lakeside park/beach area. Chicago has one of the longest parks in the US - 26 miles of waterfront park which becomes the star attraction on busy summer weekends. Finally, I think to myself..."I have a place that people actually want to visit" - which unfortunately wasn't the case in Michigan. This is probably the reason I've been doing a lot of hosting - which I genuinely enjoy. I even have a sightseeing 'route' I take my visitors on, while posing as a local. My visitors all seem to leave refreshed, albeit reluctantly, especially after I show them the Pièce de résistance - the 48th roof top view from my apt building, overlooking the lake and Chicago city. It's a delight to see them take in that first view...
In addition to friends visiting, I've had a few couch surfers crash here as well. Fortunately they are all fairly independent so I only need to provide a key, a map and they take care of themselves. I'm actually grateful to them, for riding the bicycle I dragged all the way from MI so as to make me feel much less guiltier for not riding it myself.
Last weekend I set a record , cramming 7 people into this 1 bedroom place. The Rosekrans, Aragones + friend visited for the weekend of the Chicago Air Show (my absolute fav. time to be here) and it was a crazy fun time had by all. The Aragones clan are a Caribbean family of 3 kids + their mum. They truly have such wonderful chemistry between them that its a joy to witness. In many ways they are in direct contrast to our Caucasian and somewhat reserved ways. The combination of them together is sheer entertainment that is 2nd to none. I haven't laughed that hard memory just doesn't go back that far....
In between blog posts I took a quick trip to Chapel Hill for my bi-annual transplant appt. This time around, I got to spend it with a UNC transplantee, Mandy, which I met living in N.C those many moons ago. It's been well over 5 yrs since we've seen each other and to say that I was happy to see Mandy was an understatement (she's the one in print on the left). She's one of the few people who has the same CF bug I do which limited our initial chances at a transplant (truth be told my own UNC transplant center wouldn't transplant me now if I needed one because of this bug) It's wonderful to see that she is also doing so well, 10 yrs after her own transplant.
In the blog photos you'll also find a pic of us and a one of Metro SDA Church's favorite people - Pastor Frank Haynes, who is currently pastoring the N. Aurora church in Illinois. Happy 'end of the summer' everyone!!